Torn Asunder, Born Anew
Deep within the darkest parts of Existence, beyond that which even gods know, sits a Light. A single, vibrant source of unimaginable brilliance that gleams across the absolute nothingness. This Light is known as the Source.
Circling the brilliance sits an impossible number of Prisms, breaking this magnificent Light into smaller fragments, creating narrow beams of individual colour that collide. Eventually, when enough of these beams meet, the power of the Light coalesses, creating a Reality unto itself. The colours collected by these Nodes of reality shape what forms within, some Nodes creating vast and combined Planes of Fantasy, while others create massive Galaxies roamed by that found in Science Fiction.
There are Beings that roam the darkness between the Light, carefully positioning the Prisms to shape Reality to their liking. These Creatures are innately beyond the complrehension of those that exists with the Nodes, but, they can and do often split of Fragments of themselves, seeding them within the Realities they watch. Some are simple Mortals, living and dying within the worlds and experiencing the life of a Mortal first hand, others are Gods, taking a much more active and in depth hand in shaping their Worlds. Those that somehow become aware of these Creatures, all call them some variation of Void Walker.
The Void
Not all parts of Existence around the Source are lit by its brilliance, and within these Voids, these points of impossible to describe nothingness came life. The Void Walkers spawned in these seas of absence, their grasping forms impossible to describe. Though, the spots they are born in are not permanent, leading to the Light of the Source crossing over them, alerting the Void Walkers to the presence of that beyond the Dark that bore them.
The Void Walkers are fascinated by the brilliance of the Light, and on leaving the Void that birthed them they quickly discover the infinite possibilities around them. They immediately dive into playing with the Prisms, learning the effects of each of the colours of Light have on the Nodes they create. Though it takes time, eventually they learn what types of Nodes they prefer to create, gathering together to shape connected Realities that share a general theme.